Batman : Legends of the Dark Knight - PREY (11 - 15)
The 80s was a time when comics became the thing that children always imagined them to be, serious. To give you an idea of the creative power behind comics at this time think about how Watchmen, Maus and the Dark Knight Returns all got released in the same year of 1986. Soon those landmark comics would be followed by a world wild fever of ravenous fans, cultivated after the '89 Tim Burton film; Batman. Fans of all ages, primed and focused on comics as adult fiction. Comics with adult themes. Before the interconnectivity of the internet the Batman film finally united the progressive English and European scenes that had been boiling away since the '70s into the mainstream Superhero comics of America. Love or hate Tim Burton, but he globalised comics and anomalies like The Dark Knight Returns became the templates for what people expected a superhero comic to be, guiding the direction of DC in a way that is still felt to this very day.